- Hotel Nafarrola:
- 3 nights with breakfast, 1st floor room
- Guided visit to the fishermen's guild of Bermeo
- Visit to the Txakoli winery
- Tasting dinner with food and wine pairing
- Heredad Beragu Hotel :
- 3 nights with breakfast
- 1 tasting dinner menu at Heredad Beragu, 4 courses made with Reyno Gourmet products, 3 wine pairings + dessert
- 1 visit to the winery and vineyard near Gallipienzo
- 1 historical visit
Experience " Land and Sea Wines "
Information: +34 914 879 017
Discover and enjoy the historical and gastronomic links with this unique experience.
In this Experience you will find the opportunity to learn about and connect with the origin of the Vascones, the predominant people established in this area before the arrival of the Romans, Iñigo Arista, whose original name is Ennego Ennegontis (Iñigo son of Iñigo), the first king of Pamplona, a...
The hotel and the host
Booking now
1,915 €
For 2 Pax / 6 nights
Project "Enrédate en lo Local" within the ‘Tourism Experiences’ Programme approved by the Spanish Secretary of State for Tourism included in the Plan for the Modernisation and Competitiveness of the Tourism Sector.